One piece of advice I would give to you when setting your goals for 2025 is that maintaining resolutions isn't about setting greater goals, it's about setting better ones. This is how you can achieve exactly that.
Make them achievable: while it is amazing to be really aspirational, achievable goals help build confidence, which is key, as well as momentum. Try and focus on small, attainable steps instead of huge changes. For example, if you want to exercise, begin by committing to working out once a week, rather than overhauling, overwhelming and exhausting yourself.
Tie your resolutions to ‘why’: If you decide to personalise your resolutions, you are most likely going to be able to maintain your goals for longer as it is meaningful to you. Instead of focusing on superficial motivations, ask yourself why you actually want to achieve this goal. Are you looking to be more driven? boost your confidence? Be more sociable? identifying your deeper motivations can help and guide you when the initial excitement wears off.
Setting a timeline: Creating deadlines can create a sense of, by setting short-term goals you can make long-term resolutions feel less daunting. it can also allow you to have little checkpoints to celebrate small wins along the way.
Creating habits:
After you have set your desired goals, you are going to want to create habits that will help you stick to them in 2025…
Make a routine: Naturally,Humans are creatures of habit and the more you can integrate your resolution into your day-to-day life,the more likely it is to stick.For example,if you goal is to read more,schedule your time to read at the same time everyday to make it a non-negotiable part of your schedule.
Be kind to yourself:I think we should all know by now that no one is perfect,even us messygirls. There will definitely be days when you slip up or fall short of your goals. However,don't see this as a failure,instead view it as a learning experience.
Find accountability:To increase your chances of maintaining your resolution,share your goals with others.whether that means telling a gym partner,colleagues,or simply letting your family and friends know.It makes a massive difference having people who can support or encourage you.
Now, it's not a matter of if, but when. At some point, something will get in the way of your resolutions. For instance, You may blow your budget or miss a workout. The main thing to keep in mind when this happens is to not feel discouraged and give up entirely. Instead of dwelling on your slip-up, just acknowledge it. Remind yourself that you need to be focusing on your overall progress rather than one slip-up and that progress isn't about perfection but consistency. If necessary revisit your ‘why’ to also remind yourself of the bigger picture. Consistency is key: New Year's resolutions are an influential way to reflect and set targets, but, they are definitely not about perfection-they are about progress and consistency. As we all know by now, being able to balance and maintain your resolutions is by staying patient and flexible, not being too harsh on yourself and allowing yourself to take advantage of the fact that you are going to be in the process of becoming a better version of yourself.
- Sorcha Smyth